Attending: Sandra Robinson, Dave Maharrey, Chris Crenshaw, Dean Hansen, Jason Pope, Michelle Shinall
Reminder of the officers being established at the last meeting.
President:Jason Pope, Hinds Community College
Treasurer:Dave Maharrey, Mississippi State
Secretary:Chris Crenshaw, Southern Miss
At Large Director: Dean Hansen, Ole Miss
At Large Director:Sandra Robinson, Jackson Public Schools
Business Partner Director:Brian Wright, Mitsubishi Electric
Resolutions and by-laws were reviewed and discussed. Motion to approve was made by Dean Hansen and Dave Maharrey provided the second. Motion approved unanimously.
Affiliation agreement was reviewed and discussed. Dave M. motioned to approve, Chris C provided the 2nd. Motion approved unanimously. This provided Dave approval to sign the agreement for the chapter.
Discussed insurance for the chapter. Dave is investigating and is waiting on a response from APPA on being included in their umbrella coverage.
Discussed tax exempt status. Dave indicated we will proceed with the process through APPA. This will result in our fiscal year running from April 1 to March 31.
Discussed strategies for dues. Everyone agreed that the following should not pay dues for now.
Institutional members
Affiliate members
Student members
Emeritus members
However, it was decided to table to the discussion on business partner dues structure until the next meeting.
Discussed implementing a training opportunity that Brian could help facilitate. I would be a brand neutral presentation, similar to a webinar, utilizing VRS. This was tabled until the next meeting.
Things to do:
- Send website ideas and campus pics to [email protected]
- Gather contact information for invite list. This includes K-12, community/Jr. colleges, University and Colleges, along with vendors.